How to Deal with Delayed Car Accident Injuries

Reynolds and Reynolds Law Firm

Accident Compensation Frisco TXCar accidents can occur quickly, in the span of just a few short seconds. The sudden shock and stress you experience at the site of the accident can hinder your ability to assess the reality of physical and emotional damage incurred. It’s natural to experience an absence of immediate pain due to shock, and therefore fail to properly disclose injuries with the at-fault driver’s insurance company or police and medical personnel at the time of the accident.

However, if you experience injury-related pain well after an accident occurs, you may still be entitled to compensation. Even a low-speed collision can cause significant emotional trauma, stress, mood swings, irrational anxiety, and physical numbness after the fact.

If you are experiencing injury-related pain, or if you discover a serious injury after the fact, adhering to the guidelines below will help you pursue the compensation you need and deserve. And of course, another important step is speaking with a qualified attorney experienced in litigating auto accident injury claims. Reynolds and Reynolds has been an advocate for the injured for decades and is passionate about earning appropriate compensation for their injuries.


Categories of Delayed or Residual Pain From a Motor Vehicle Accident:
Attentively identify any unusual physical or emotional pains you may experience following an accident. Mild headaches, neck pains, and back pains may indicate a more developed or serious ailment. Seek immediate medical care and assistance if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms or conditions:

  • Headaches: Post-traumatic stress and intense physical trauma can induce physical distress. Headaches are often a direct result of a possible concussion, neck injury, brain injury, or whiplash.
  • Neck & Shoulder Pain: Neck and shoulder pain may emerge from whiplash or severe movements at the time of the crash. Both immediate and delayed symptoms of pain can signify larger, more serious medical issues.
  • Numbness & Tingling: Numbness, tingling, or weakness in any limbs often indicate the presence of a herniated disc or a damaged spinal nerve. Both of these can be excruciatingly painful to endure
  • Back Pain: Pain in the upper or lower back area may likewise signal a herniated disc, muscle damage, or potential sprain.
  • Abdominal Pain: Internal soft tissue injuries or abdominal pain can be fatally damaging if left untreated. Whether the abdominal pain is immediate or delayed, seek appropriate treatment as soon as possible. Internal bleeding is known to cause dizziness, bruising, and even headaches.
  • Emotional Pain or Trauma: After the initial shock and adrenaline disappear, you may experience symptoms of emotional pain in the form of anxiety, depression, and stress. Not to mention, head injuries are known to add emotional pain and alter personality.


Wait Before you Sign the Release of Liability
Signing the Release of Liability form too soon after the accident – before you confirm the existence of any delayed or prolonged injuries – could lead to losing potential compensation for your injuries, even if you didn’t know you had any. Signing the Release of Liability ends the lawsuit and all future claims related to the accident.


So What If My Symptoms Are Delayed?
As long as you haven’t signed the Release of Liability form and settled your claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, you are likely still entitled to compensation. Make sure to seek out a full medical evaluation of your injuries and a full estimate of any future medical costs you may incur. For the most accurate estimate, wait until you’ve achieved maximum medical improvement (MMI) or the point of full recovery to claim medical compensation.

At Reynolds & Reynolds, our team of dedicated attorneys is committed to bringing you the compensation and care you deserve and need. Although you may feel anxious to quickly sign the Release of Liability and settle any immediate damage, remember that injuries are likely to surface well after the fact.