Important Driving Tips for Snow & Ice In Texas

Reynolds and Reynolds Law Firm
Chevy truck driving on icy roads as surrounding trees are covered with snowWinter storms are not regular occurrences in our area, but when icy conditions strike, they can bring the city to a standstill. Many drivers are unprepared to handle roads slick with ice and snow, making accidents and delays all too common. If you find yourself needing to drive during icy conditions, preparation and caution are key. We want to help you feel the most confident with these practical tips to keep you safe on the recently snowy roads.

1. Slow Down—Speeding Isn’t an Option

When the roads are icy, reduce your speed drastically. Even if you feel confident, icy roads can be unpredictable. TxDOT suggests maintaining at least three times the normal following distance on snow or ice. Normal following distance is typically three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you, so on snow, follow five to six seconds behind. Driving slowly gives you extra time to react to sudden changes, like an out-of-control car or a patch of black ice. Remember, arriving late is far better than not arriving at all.

2. Double or Triple Your Following Distance

Tailgating is dangerous in any weather, but on icy roads, it can be catastrophic. Increase the space between your car and the vehicle in front of you to give yourself ample time to stop. It’s a simple precaution that can prevent serious rear-end collisions.

3. Handle Acceleration and Braking with Care

Quick accelerations and abrupt braking are your worst enemies on icy roads. Accelerate gradually to maintain traction, and brake gently to avoid skidding. If you need to slow down, ease off the accelerator and use light, steady pressure on the brakes instead of slamming them.

4. Use Lower Gears on Slopes

Driving downhill on icy roads can feel like sledding—terrifying and uncontrollable. Shift to lower gears to help control your speed. This technique reduces reliance on your brakes and helps keep your car steady.

5. Know Your Braking System

If your car has an anti-lock braking system (ABS), apply firm, consistent pressure to the brake pedal. Without ABS? Use a pumping motion to prevent wheel lockup. Spend a few minutes practicing braking in an empty, icy parking lot to understand how your car responds.

6. Avoid Hills, Bridges, and Low Spots

In Dallas, bridges and overpasses freeze faster than regular roads, creating hidden dangers. Low spots can also become icy traps. If possible, plan a route that avoids these areas, even if it adds a few extra minutes to your trip.

7. Stay Prepared Before Hitting the Road

Preparation can make all the difference. Ensure your tires have sufficient tread and proper air pressure. Consider investing in winter tires if icy conditions are forecasted. Check that your windshield wipers, heater, and defroster are fully functional. Finally, top off your windshield washer fluid with a solution rated for freezing temperatures.

8. Stay Calm if You Skid

A skid can feel like a heart-stopping moment, but staying calm is critical. Don’t slam on the brakes or jerk the steering wheel. Instead, steer gently in the direction you want to go and ease off the accelerator. Practice these maneuvers in a safe area so you’re ready if the situation arises.

9. Avoid Driving If You Can

The best way to stay safe in icy conditions? Stay off the roads altogether. Monitor local weather reports and road conditions on platforms like If driving is unavoidable, eliminate distractions, drive below the speed limit, and exercise extreme caution.

Dallas Drivers: Stay Safe This Winter

Dallas winters may not bring snowstorms like the Midwest, but even a thin layer of ice can create hazardous driving conditions. By slowing down, keeping your distance, and staying prepared, you can significantly reduce your risk on the road. Most importantly, if you can, avoid driving altogether when the weather takes a turn for the worse. Safety always comes first.

If you are involved in a car accident during snowy or icy road conditions, contact the professionals at Reynolds & Reynolds. If you were hit by someone else, the other driver might be liable for negligent driving. We can help you through the details of your accident, so contact our attorneys here or call (972) 684-5011 to speak with someone today. Follow us on Facebook for updates and legal tips, and contact Reynolds & Reynolds to discuss your case.