How Do Bodily Injury Claims and Workers’ Compensation Work in Texas?
Workers’ compensation coverage enables employees who get injured while working to receive the medical attention they need with a bodily injury claim. It also provides a source of disability income for an employee who is injured while performing their duties at work and cannot continue to work during extended recovery.
While most other states throughout the country make workers’ compensation coverage mandatory, it is optional in the state of Texas. By being optional, employers are not required to have this coverage. Should an employer decide to have workers’ compensation coverage, the company is protected from being sued by an injured employee. The employee receives all of the benefits through the workers’ compensation coverage.
By subscribing to workers’ compensation, a company is protected by limitations on the types and amounts of compensation that an employee who has been injured while working can receive. These limitations are legally enforced.
Companies that do not subscribe to workers’ compensation coverage are open to lawsuits by employees who have been injured while they were working. There are no compensation limits to these lawsuits. Specific defenses including contributory or comparative negligence that are available in many injury cases are not available in a claim brought forth by an injured employee working for a company without workers’ compensation coverage. In other words, they are precluded from blaming the employee or reducing its liability by the comparative fault of the employee. This penalty serves as a motivation for employers to subscribe to workers’ compensation to keep related costs down.
If you, a family member or a friend is injured, gets sick, or dies at work, you need to know if your employer is a nonsubscriber to workers’. A knowledgeable bodily injury claim lawyer will be able to help you understand the process.
How Do Bodily Injury Claims and Workers’ Compensation Work in Texas?
A company that wants to have workers’ compensation for its employees will need to purchase coverage from an insurance provider. If an employee becomes ill, gets injured or dies while working, the workers’ compensation insurance coverage provides the necessary benefits to the employee and their family.
The injured employee has thirty days to notify the employer that an injury has occurred due to a work related accident. Once the employer has been made aware of the situation, notification is given to the insurance provider and benefits are then paid to the employee. The benefits provided by workers’ compensation coverage include medical costs, loss of wages, disability income, funeral costs and death benefits.
The workers’ compensation benefits that are available to injured employees in Texas can be quite substantial. These significant amounts make it possible for an injured employee to have the financial support needed after being hurt while working. Be sure you, your family member or your friend is getting the benefits and financial support they need.
Many companies are becoming non-subscribers and going away from workers’ compensation to save money in pro-business legal and jury environment. The employer views the risk being without many legal defenses less than the benefit of their gotcha clauses. Non-scribers may offer a private injury benefit customized with pro-employer protections, limitations and outs.
Reynolds & Reynolds Law Firm are here to give you the help you need if your employer does not subscribe to workers’ compensation. Call us today at 214-891-6606 to speak about a bodily injury claim from a non-scriber employer.
Reynolds & Reynolds Law Firm | Bodily Injury Claim Frisco TX | 214-891-6606